Children (Grades Pre-K to 5th)


  • We offer exciting activities for children including camps, outings, Vacation Bible School and musicial events.


Youth (Grades 6th - 12th)


  • We offer a variety of activities for youth including Bible study, music, drama, praise band, mission trips, summer camps and outreach opportunities.




  • Faith at Home
  • Family Summer Guide

  • Disciple Making at Home

  • Easter Story Book

  • Family Easter Resource




  • Women: The women's ministry includes opportunities such as Bible studies, outreach, card ministry, and hosting fundraisers to provide assistance for church and community when there is need.
  • Men: Our men's ministry are involved in many ways, including hosting BBQs for missions, assisting with upkeep of the church, and hosting the monthly men's breakfast (last Saturday of each month).
  • Sunday School

    These groups focus is on applying the truths of God’s Word with a few other believers while building in-depth relationships with one another.


All Ages: Project RACK


  • Random Act of Christ Kindness outreach mission group that provides outreach for members to be involved in while sharing Christ love and kindness to other in a random way.