Cultivating Generosity


It’s amazing to see how God’s love & generosity is cultivated each & every day. He desires for us to generously give of our time, talent & treasure in obedience to His Word. ‘A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.’ – Proverbs 11:25 NIV

Give Online


  • Give online securely via checking account, debit or credit card by clicking on the button below. You can give a one-time gift or set up recurring automatic donations.

Online Bill Pay

  • You may send a one time or recurring contribution through your bank’s online bill payment system is a convenient way to donate without any fees.


  • You can give in-person, during the offering at our weekly worship service or drop it off during office hours. If you would like a record of your gift, please use one of the provided offering envelopes.


  • You can mail your check (made out to Maplewood Baptist Church) to: Maplewood Baptist Church, PO Box 576, Yadkinville, NC 27055

Online Giving FAQs


  • Is my giving information secure?
    Absolutely. Any personal or financial information you enter is encrypted using SSL security – the same state-of-the-art security measures used by online retailers, banks, and other financial institutions.
  • What payment methods do you accept?
    We accept donations from credit/debit cards as well as your Bank Account (our recommendation). While we’re happy to accept your donation by any means, Bank Account donations cost significantly less, allowing more of your gift to go towards ministry.
  • Do I need to create an account?
    No. That said, we do recommend creating one so that you can view your online giving history. Also, you will be asked to create an account if you’d like to setup recurring donations.
  • Will I receive a receipt when I give online?
    Yes. You will be emailed a donation receipt each time you give. Again, we recommend creating an account so you can view all your online giving history.